Tonight as K was about to get in the bath Jason noticed she misspelled one of her spelling words, never one to leave these things for later (ha ha) she came out before stepping into the tub and fixed the spelling word.
Well as she was preparing to take the plunge again B asked if we could go to the pool. She groaned but complied and got on her swimsuit.
Jason and I then realized that we were not in agreement, he didn't want to go to the pool.
So we told K, never mind.... more groans.
Then I started thinking again, maybe I could go ahead and take the three big kids, Jason agreed to keep A. More groans from K - who had by now taken off her swimsuit.
While she had gone back to put her swimsuit back on Jason and I realized that, ugh it is Wednesday the pool down the road is closed!
Poor K! She is now enjoying a warm bath and playing with her Barbies.
Nap Update
Not really an update as much as a comical photo shot. When Z decides to actually nap these are just a couple of the positions he assumes.Prior to this picture I could have sworn he said something about playing hide-n-seek with Baby Bear.
I guess Baby Bear found him!
I guess Baby Bear found him!
Uncle Scoot came to visit us this week. Actually it was the draw of a job interview that drew him out here to Hippy-dippy Land. I begged to take his picture and promised a blog entry if allowed me to take this picture. Gotta love the hat and sandals with his penguin suit.
Finally, 2 year old language development - gotta love it. Today we went to story time and while we were there Z sang songs, danced (not really - he just stood in one place while the other kids marched around him), we listened to stories about apples and then we did a "crap". That would be two year old language for craft! I keep asking him to go show daddy his craft just to hear him say it again. (Mark - kind of reminds me of dump trucks!)
Poor K! I couldn't even follow all those events!
K's an angel!!
G'ma B
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