Sunday, September 30, 2007

Funny Z stories

Today Jason was asking Z to sit up in his chair and when he didn't comply quickly Jason said, "Sit up in your seat or I will have to kick your behind." Z turned and looked at Jason and said, "No you don't HAVE to."
We started this a long time ago, we "throw" our children in bed. It is a great deal of fun for us and the kids. Jason gets their hands and I get their feet and then we swing them back and forth three times until they land ever so gently in their beds. This has become one of Z's favorite things, he searches for us at night and keeps asking, "You throw me? or You bounce me off the ceiling?" My new favorite thing to do is to ask him to give me his feet first. Jason and I get a really good laugh at watching him try to figure out how to get both of his feet up into the air while still standing! I love our two year old!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You tell him, Z! Love, G'ma B