Friday, September 7, 2007

Notes About Nothing

Well not really nothing, just nothing in particular. These are just things that have been on my mind and I've been wanting to share them with you all - my friends & family.

Z has a ball pit and he loves to jump into it - spreading the balls everywhere in the living room, I'm sure my dad will be happy to hear that (he thinks I need a job!). Well I love it when Z tells us he's getting ready to jump because it sounds like this, "I jump in my pulpit!" This sends me into fits of laughter every time.

Here's a mystery for you. 2 months ago the stopper for my sink disappeared. I looked everywhere and had decided that I must have thrown it away, even though that seemed odd. Well the other day I found it! Where you ask? In Z's spill-proof bubble bucket! I opened it up to add more bubbles and low and behold there sat my sink stopper. Jason and I just laughed and laughed. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to do that!

Finally, here's something kind of sad but sometimes you just have to laugh at these things. Yesterday (Thursday) I decided that I should take the kids to the pool. (Right here let me interject why I did this, the kids work hard at school all week, we don't have activities on Thursday night, we have access to a pool and we have the rest of the evening to get homework done. Also Friday can be kind of crazy at the pool and I want Z to have the opportunity to have fun without being splashed or jumped on by other kids.) Back to my story.... K asked me if she could call and tell her friend that we are going, so that perhaps she can come too. I allowed her to call and soon after she got on the phone she handed the phone to me. Here is what awaited me on the other side, "I'm sorry but my children do their homework when they get home from school." Oh, so I assured this friends mother that I understood but that I was trying to give them a little break. This elicited this response, "Well we have our break on Fridays." Again I apologized and explained that K would enjoy playing with her daughter and that we'd be open to a phone call when she wanted to call us. I think I was very polite (don't want to burn any bridges) but I couldn't help but get my little feathers ruffled a tad. I mean really, I was a teacher and education is VERY important. Oh well, like I said sometimes you have to laugh these things off. We now have a no phone call/no friend rule during the week. We will continue to go to the pool on Thursdays and they can tell their friends but then it is up to them to communicate to their parents about it we are forever more staying off of that slippery dangerous slope.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sherry, Sounds like that mom is a real ****** and over the top. Aren't those kid's in 2nd grade? I'd still let K call others, just not that one. I'm sure most parents wouldn't mind letting their kids have a break and then do the homework after dinner before bed.

We do nothing but give our kids breaks, they get good grades, but are very mis-behaved (Justin believes he is less than marginally mis-behaved) so maybe we are not a good example.

Love, Mark aka your brother
~had to fix this with the K... sorry I deleted you Mark :)

Anonymous said...

Remind me not to let my kids play with your's when they are older. hehe I was laughing so hard at that one, it's too funny! Especially knowing how much you value education. Sometimes kids need to be kids and have fun, even if it's not a Friday. ;-) Thanks for the laugh!


Anonymous said...

As to the anal mother, all I can say is it must be her first child. They always get more attention than they really should from their parents! Poor kid doesn't have the opportunity to get into some real trouble!
The child will probably never enjoy the thrills of poison ivy, scabby knees and stitches!

Love, ttg