I finished Harry Potter #7 (The Deathly Hallows) last night. It was a good book, for the most part I really enjoyed it and I have to say that I think all good things must end (so I'm not disappointed that was the last book) but there is a little part of me that is sad because the series is over now. I have to find some new books. I can't imagine that I will find any that create such a strong desire to get to the next book. Since #7 came out I have re-read #5 & #6 and it was so thrilling to finally get to read #7! Oh well, just think of the things I will be able to get done now in my "spare time" - my house will be clean again, dishes done, laundry, diapers and maybe I can get to some of my extra-curricular activities, pictures, kids videos and my blog. :)
So while I've been reading I've neglected telling you all some stuff:
1.) Jason had a minor car boo-boo, a piece of something flew out from under the car in front of him on the way home and put an ugly dent in the hood of his car. Praise God that it hit the hood and not his window.
2.) Z is now swimming in the big pool in his floaty - we call it his seal. He reminds me so much of B when he's out there, smiling and bobbing around like a little cork. (I will try to get a picture this weekend, we have to take Jason out and let him see)
3.) A has been introduced to sweet potatoes, I'm not sure if she was not a fan or just not hungry, we'll have to try again because she wasn't into eating them.
4.) I followed a recipe! Bonnie's corn casserole - um yum!
5.) K is a spelling maniac, she's gotten a 100 on her last three spelling tests! We are very proud of her. Get this, I don't make her study all night long either, just each word once through each day - and sometimes we miss a night (can you believe that?!). Sorry had to throw a little sarcasm in there.
6.) My house is a mess. So I will write again at the end of the weekend and give you our weekend post if I can find my way out from behind the stack of dirty dishes and find some stuff to write about.
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