Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Nap Time

I decided that a small update would be good. I am currently enjoying the lap of luxury, both babies are napping. So here's the latest. We are still living with boxes, I'm making slow progress, but progress just the same. Today I took my first outting with BKZA all by myself. B&K were very well behaved, Z sang his alphabet song and A slept. So it was a good trip to Wal-Mart Superstore (we were out of milk). A is sleeping pretty good at night. I hate to give too many details least she catch wind of the fact that not all babies sleep from 11pm to 2am and then again until 5am, so I will leave it at that and continue to say my nightly prayer. It goes something like this, "Thank you Lord for this beautiful child, I love her and am so thankful to have her in my life. Please help her to sleep well tonight."

1 comment:

Kierstyn said...

Well, since that prayer seems to be working so well for you, can you add Benjamin to your prayer list? :-)

Actually, I can't complain. Benjamin is by far my best sleeper!! The other night, he actually slept for EIGHT HOURS! Hasn't happened since them, but it was nice.

Miss you bunches!!!!