Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dear Scott (weekly update)

I realize it has been several days since my last blog/email. Sorry about that (Scott mentioned possibly coming to see us and I've been cleaning house like a mad woman in preparation - NOT!) - seriously I've just been busy.
Monday was A's birthday and we celebrated by losing the purple leg - thankfully there was a very cute one that looked perfectly normal underneath all that purple.
Tuesday was another busy day at Jason's Clan - summer swim team, swim team, swim lessons and swimming for me too. Yes altogether we were at the pool 4 times on Tuesday! I took Mom for a pedicure for Mother's Day - immediately went out to the pool and scuffed it up. Oh well. On Tuesday - A began walking ONLY with shoes on for a few steps at a time and with a cast-like gait. She still walks with the right side out to the side and limps.
Wednesday I didn't go to work - still worried about A not walking and in addition we noticed earlier in the week she was drooling and running a low grade temperature (two year molars anyone?). Mom & Dad headed out on Wednesday morning and arrived home safely that night.
Thursday - A surprised me by walking into the kitchen from the living room (further than I'd seen her walk all week) without any shoes on! In addition today she's been very worried about going, "tee tee" and has taken her diaper off twice. Huh, what?! Seriously - am I ready for this? Seems like just yesterday that Z was potty trained - could it be time already? So now she's walking (still with her cast-like limp) and she's telling me when she wet and she wants to go "tee tee" - she's SO from Texas! I've always said "pee pee" where did she get this "tee tee" thing?! I think it is a Texas native thing (correct me friends if I'm wrong).
Oh yea in all of this I had a good TV week - Kris Allen made the finals on American Idol and tonight they voted off Coach on Survivor. Such a happy week! Silly Sherry!
FYI - I haven't heard from HR yet - but I am trying not to worry.
Hope to see you soon Scott!!!

B'day pictures as promised

LOVE this picture (not many of this kind out there!)

Opening gifts (FYI the band-aid is covering a none existent boo boo)

Yes - she's throwing away a small piece of paper. She is B's sister!!!

Z so happy!

Waiting for cake is SO HARD!

Z helping A out!


She's so in love with her Daddy!!!


Wordy girl said...

Ah, yes, it was always either "tee-tee" or "tinkle" in our house. Yee haw!

Anonymous said...

Sherry, those pictures are great! Happy Birthday A. I really like the one with A having chocolate icing all over her face. My buddy Jason made it into your blog too! Thats great. Say hi to everyone for me.


Christi said...

So here I am, reading my friend Sherry's blog. Not expecting to have any Survivor spoilers since people on Facebook didn't ruin it for me. Low and behold, there it is, at the end of the blog...a spoiler. :-) We missed a LOT of shows last week and have them all DVR'd so I guess it's only expected with tonight being the finale that I should have been prepared to find out who was left. :-)

Cute pictures by the way and I hope A gets her normal gait back soon.

Miss you my friend!

Sherry said...

SO sorry! I couldn't resist - I was so happy! :) Don't tell me about the season finale - I'm holding it for later this week. Sorry!!