Monday, January 26, 2009

Tell the truth

So we didn't put up a Christmas tree this year... so I'm wondering, how long is it appropriate to keep my blog tree up? I'm thinking Feb. 1 seems like an appropriate time to change up the scenery. Jason assures me that in his family a tree has stayed up that long. Is that the truth? Here's hoping for some "free" time to mix things up a bit. For now - sleep is calling!


Bonnie said...

Our tree came down early this year (thanks to John), but I remember still having it up on Valentine's Day one year - and that was a "real" tree. Must have been a really fresh tree - ha!!!

Sherry said...

That's funny! Jason asked when I read this to him if yours was still up - now we know. I'm the slacker of the year!

Christi said...

Ok, Santa has GOT to go!! If Feb. 2 rolls around and I'm still looking at this blog design, I'm flooding your blog with comments! And a Valentine's day tree...amazing.

Kierstyn said...

AMEN Christi! Preach it, sista!

Sherry said...

Changing this will seriously cut into my fb time!!!