Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho - Santa's here to stay

I updated my blog look and now I don't have time to sit down and do anything about it - so Santa is here to stay for the time being. Sorry folks!

So many pictures = so little time. Here's just a few of my favorites to tide you over until I can do a real post!

Happy B - got a pocket knife (and instructions on proper use) from his Grandpa John.

K making cookies.

Cool Cat A!

Z (Texas Boy!) being dragged around on the ice by Daddy & Uncle Andy.
"Can I have my feet back NOW?"

Jason's Clan


Erin said...

Great pictures! Tell K (and B too) that I missed making cookies with them! That picture of K really mad me sad that we didn't get to do that together this year! I'll do all I can to make sure that we can do it next year!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures...A does look cool, and poor little Z being drug around the rink by J and Uncle A.
B looks very happy, and K, well, she can cook for me anytime...Love them all !!!!!!!
Love, tmn