Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Busy much?

Yes! I am! Oh I guess you thought I was asking you that question...
Well, if you were wondering we have been so busy around here the last couple of days.
Here's what we've been up to:
Monday was rainy and cold - a great day to stay in the house in my humble opinion. But the weeks activities beckoned, first the grocery store and some laundry. Then I took all the kids - the clown car was full :) - to the eye doctor to have B & K's eyes examined, they both must have been studying because they passed with flying colors, K still has 20/20 and B's eyes did not get any worse, which is unusual for a child his age. Yea! We came home, got K ready for dance and took her there. Oh yea and I made a big crock pot of chili to eat that evening, since it was so cold and gloomy - it seemed the ideal dish to serve to my family (nope - I didn't follow the recipe, I modified it to fit my cupboards constraints).
Tuesday we were up bright and early to take B to swim practice (it was about 50 degrees, but the pool, we were assured, was about 73). I was very proud of my popsicle, um I mean son. He was one of the first ones in and he listened to his coaches telling him not to stop - just keep swimming, just keep swimming.... (are any of you following that little ditty?). I was just getting ready to head home to make meals for the family when the coach stopped me and said he was getting ready to get B out since he had no fat and was very quickly turning a lovely shade of blue. Thankfully they cancelled practice this morning and they will be getting the solar cover this weekend and they are considering a plan to put a heater in the pool. Until then we are going to start having practice MWF from 7-8pm at an indoor pool about 10 miles from us. B's not real thrilled with this, he likes to have his evenings free (I'm not sure for what). The rest of Tuesday was filled with laundry and cleaning house (my mom & dad are coming this weekend, that might explain the cleaning even on a busy week :). After school was dance and then girl scouts.
Today we walked, went to story time, had a lunch date with Nicole & Emma, and then headed to the kids school to walk to the pumpkin patch with K. She was excited to see me & her babies. Oh yea and according to Z it is the porcupine patch - ouch!
Finally tomorrow I have my first observation for my job. I am a student teacher supervisor and I will be doing the first classroom observation tomorrow. Nicole is watching the babies for me so I will be leaving A for the first time (outside of with family) and I will be walking back into a classroom. I'm a little worried that one of two things will happen:
1.) I will suddenly feel an urge to holler at a kid acting like a fool. Like yesterday when I was walking away from the kids school and there were some kids playing with fire ants. I just can't stop myself from saying, "hey stop that!"
2.) I will have some strange desire to go back to teaching (ha - not likely)!
So in answer to my question (see title) - YES!
Here's the photographic evidence.

These are actually from this weekend, we went to a little farm with Harrison & Gillian, fed the llamas & emus and looked at lots of animals. There are lots more pics to be added to Snapfish.

Z with his new pet cow (thanks G'pa Harold) - hee hee!

Z being corralled by Gillian & K.

B with Harrison

Mommy with her little Z

K & Gillian

K feeding an emu.

B feeding the llama - this is shortly after one of them spit at him. He's so brave!

A was there too -
she was just more interested in chewing on lion than feeding the emus & llamas.

Today at the pumpkin patch. K with her babies, she's such a little mother hen.

Oh yea - did I mention it was Red Ribbon Week this week and today was crazy hair day?
You will notice a slight blue tint to K's - not sure what can be said about B's.

Z got into the fun too. :) He will tell you he needs a haircut.

One more thing, as if I didn't have enough things keeping me from blogging. My sweet husband is obsessed with something called Lenox (operating system on the computer - I don't know) and he's been using my computer when he's home and he's kind of bear like when I try to use it. A cranky old bear! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the happy moments in life with us!

Anonymous said...
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Kierstyn said...

WOW! Keep up the good work SUPER MOM!

Anonymous said...

Gee - and I wondered what you did with all that free time??? Sounds like all the activities will keep your mom REALLY busy while you are in MA.

Love, Bonnie