Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pajamas & Rock climbing...

As many of you know I have begun an exercise program and I've been trying to eat healthy. Here is the way my plan works, A wakes me up sometime between 4am and 6am and after I feed her I go ahead and get dressed and exercise right then. (Yes, I can fall back to sleep after this.) Well this morning Jason commented on how he thinks I'm doing a great job. I said, "yes I got up this morning at 4am." He responded, "yea, I can tell - your nightgown is inside out." Hee hee... I looked down and sure enough I may be able to fall back to sleep after I exercise, but I cannot dress myself. FYI - I have lost 11 lbs. (I know it is baby weight but I won't complain) and I appreciate people keeping me accountable to this exercise program. My next goal is to compete with B in the local family triathlon - I have a year to prepare, since this years is this Saturday and I'm not ready for that yet.
Yesterday was a good day for Z. I have decided to implement quiet time for Z. I called it that yesterday and he fell asleep after about an hour of sitting in there and I woke him up at the time that I told him I would and he was in good spirits that evening. Yea!

We also went and took pictures of #1 hanging on the walls.

#3 is ready to go too as you can see.

Be careful the next picture is scary!!

K after a late night of girlie movies with Mommy.

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