Sunday, May 16, 2010

Family Sabbath

Today our church family celebrated Family Sabbath! We did this last year and it was an amazing experience (the only clincher was that I was "working") - this year I was there to be with my family and my God. I really can't express in words how much this day meant to me it was truly incredible and peaceful. To think that I actually thought about not going because my house is a disaster. I'm so very glad that I went!! I'm not sure what it was about today, the setting (a church camp), the canoes, the lake, the swimming pool, the lunch, the playground, the church family... all of these things made it wonderful but I think for me it was the time to love and spend time with the gifts that God has blessed my life with - BKZA.

It was a great day and guess what - I spent it enjoying, not photographing so no pictures this time.

1 comment:

tmn said...

It sounds like a wonderful day that you shared with your gifts from God. I am so glad you took the advantage of the experience and not try to capture are always taking pics which I do love, however yesterday was special. Sure am glad you didn't stay home and clean!!!! Love, tmn