Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 things - Z

I've been going back and trying to copy all of my old blogs to make a "memory book." Scrapbooking is difficult to get to most of the time so I figured that since the blog is easily accessible and has LOTS of pictures and stories that I could create a book using that and then just keep adding to it. As I was going back I noticed that I had at one time written the 10 things that I loved about each of my children. Sadly I don't have the time, energy or brain power to do all four kids tonight so I'm going to do Z today (since it is his birthday!) and then hopefully you will come back to see the others later (not sure how much later)...

10. His amazing smile
9. His incredible amount of energy
8. He's a smart one!!
7. The way he sits in his seat sideways, he never pulls it fully out he just scoots it to the side and sits on the edge
6. The way he tenderly tries to get Hobbes to like him, he talks very softly and gently sits next to him... until he can't do either any longer and completely freaks Hobbes out
5. How he always smiles in surprise when he rounds the corner at school and sees me standing there - then waits patiently for me to come and give him a hug (he wouldn't dream of getting out of line)
4. He never wants what I'm making for breakfast, if I want to make eggs (his favorite) he always wants something else
3. I love the way he wants to help me start the washer and dryer
2. He's learning (from his older brother) how to hide his dirty socks in obscure places
1. He is silly and funny!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Happy Birthday yrs. old, where has the time gone. He is certainly everything you wrote about him. I also love his smile, and yes, he is one smart little guy.
Love you Z !!!! Nana