Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weekly Update

I'm going to try to send out a weekly update - I may even have a cute name for it each week but for now my time scarce so that is as creative as I can get.

The big news this week IS... dum dum da dum! A went potty on the big girl potty yesterday morning, last night, this morning AND today AT school!! Oh yea I can see the end of diapers in my immediate future and it is good. Whoop!

B&K started 6th grade and 4th grade yesterday - oh my goodness I have a middle school child. K and I love that she's at school with me, she leaves me little notes before school and I've been leaving her some to find while I'm doing duty after school. B is loving his "new" cell phone and I really enjoy getting texts that say, "luv u" and "see u soon."

Z is going to Ms. Cindy's - he's enjoying himself and today he got to go to the library and have story time. Very exciting stuff. We are really working on him watching his little mouth, he has found the word "poop" and thinks it is hilarious all day, every day and in every setting. Ugh!

Finally - my first week (okay two days) have been busy, crazy and I can see that it will be an exciting year and full of learning. I'm excited, still nervous but feeling better every day. A friend told me on Sunday to "rely on my competence until my confidence comes." It is working... my confidence is building, slowly.

Hopefully I can share some pictures soon (but not tonight) - I did get a couple of cute 1st day of school shots.


Bonnie said...

Sounds like things are going well! Wow - A is going to train herself quickly!!! Way to go, A! Have a great rest of the week!

mom said...

Wow, what a lot going on...I'm sure A is ready and the thought of NO MORE DIAPERS has to be great...way to go A. I know B & K were ready for school to start, I hope B is enjoying middle school. I am glad Z is enjoying being at Miss Cindy's. How is A doing at her "school" ????? I know you will do great, even if you don't have much time at the present time...wish I could help in some way.
Love, Mom