Saturday, August 15, 2009

They're moving!

Z and A are moving. A moved into the "big" twin bed and Z moved up - up to the top bunk. They were so excited tonight that they were ready to go to bed at 7:00pm! When we finally put them to bed they just laughed and giggled for at least 30 minutes. Very fun. I took pictures but it will be later before I get those posted - just wanted to share a story with my faithful readers (Bon-Mom & Mom).


Bonnie said...

Look forward to the pictures! Hope nobody falls out of bed now - especially Zach!! Bet listening to the giggling was fun!

tmn said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes with the bunk beds. Z&A are so cute together, I can hear them now just laughing & giggling. I am sure they were excited to tell B&K all about the beds when they got home.
Love, Mom

tmn said...

WOW----how fast they grow. I can't believe Z is on the top bunk already. I can just hear them laughing & talking to each other...they are quite a pair !!!
Love, tmn