Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today I was talking on the phone, washing dishes, serving up snacks, trying to help B find his swimsuit and helping a little friend with his homework (YES all at the same time) when I heard one of the children in my home exclaim, "Z's naked! He's in the backyard!" I ran to the door and sure enough there is my three year old standing in the backyard, underwear and shorts (because we live in Texas!) flung aside. I calmly told him to grab his pants and march into the bathroom and stay there until I could talk to him. Apparently he decided he needed to potty so why not just do it there. I was shockingly calm as I explained that we needed underwear in the backyard - why? Because it is the way things are done when you have picket fences and everybody can see everybody else's business. Reminds me of a sandbox and a boy named B.... hmm to do a flashback and embarrass B or not to do a flashback....
Gotta love boys!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dr. Phil says:

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not one to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

So on Facebook you can take silly surveys - I just took one from Dr. Phil. It was so nice I posted it here, maybe tomorrow in the light of day I will actually buy it! HA!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tell the truth

So we didn't put up a Christmas tree this year... so I'm wondering, how long is it appropriate to keep my blog tree up? I'm thinking Feb. 1 seems like an appropriate time to change up the scenery. Jason assures me that in his family a tree has stayed up that long. Is that the truth? Here's hoping for some "free" time to mix things up a bit. For now - sleep is calling!

BKZA in new photos - yea!

Here's some pictures so that my true fans out there will know that I'm still among the land of the living.
A's new haircut - cheese baby!

Z's new toy from Uncle Scott
(it doesn't sing Scott but it's noisy, just like you would want!)

My sweet little GS with all the cookies...
our kitchen was full with the whole troops cookies at this time! Awww!

B with his friends, we went to a Japanese steakhouse
and then back here for cake!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shout Outs

Due to my new and crazy responsibilities I am changing up the format (but not the background - yet ha, ha!) of my blog. Last year I was good about posting a blog for all of my family birthday's - this year I will be doing one birthday blog for the month. So here it goes:
Jan. 18th - B's 11th birthday! I think it is absolutely crazy that I have an eleven year old! I gave him a hug this morning and although he doesn't have that same newborn yummy smell he's still every bit of the first baby that we welcomed into our family and just like I never realized how my heart would grow on Jan. 18, 1998 - I am shocked and incredibly humbled by the love that continues to grow for this wonderful young man!
Jan. 21st - My lovely sister-in-law, Cheryl's birthday! Cheryl is that person in my life who I can talk to and it doesn't feel like it has been months since we talked. She is beautiful and wonderful, she has a heart of gold and you always know she will be a sympathetic ear for your grouching but will also be joyful and never let you get too down. As a year passes and I feel thankful for her presence in my life I'm also reminded that somehow (only God knows how) my brother landed this amazing catch - way to go Mark, proof that God is GREAT!
Jan. 22nd - K's 9th birthday! I have a friend who chants, I hate 8, I hate 8 (she thought it was the worst year with her girls)! I can't chant that anymore even if I wanted to (which I never really wanted to). I was teasing her yesterday that 9 years ago I was admiring my sweet, blue baby (she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck) - now she isn't blue anymore but she is just as sweet and I love her quiet, gentle presence in my life. She is such a joy to be around and it's incredible watching her turn into a wonderful young lady. Hey K - I think you're fantastic!

Now for the latest news:
I had my friend cut A's hair - she'd never had the back cut so it was a little lopsided - now it is even and SO cute (pictures to follow).
Z has a nasty cold but that will not get him down - he still goes (snorting, sneezing, coughing, hacking and sniffling) nonstop until bedtime.
B had his eyes checked this week, they were slightly worse so he's getting new glasses. I'm looking into prescription goggles, since his eyes aren't changing dramatically every year we could probably invest in those and his coaches wouldn't yell at him all the time for missing his times.
K is selling GS cookies like there is no tomorrow. I don't doubt that she'll reach her goal (plus some). She has already surpassed the goal that I "talked" her into! She and I went out door-t0-door on Friday evening and Saturday morning and she is so cute to watch as she gives her sales pitch... I'd buy cookies from her! Way to go K! Oh yea K's eyes were fine 20/20 vision (good girl -way to study!).
Z funny:
Today B&Z were both outside running around (getting sweaty) and when they came in I wrinkled up my nose. Jason asked if someone smelled and I said, "it's just boy stink, ugh!" To which Z exclaimed, "it's not me, it's B!" Boy B gets blamed for a lot of stink in this family! Poor B!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend I went to a Girl Scout training course. We learned about outdoor cooking, camping and activities. One of the other mother's, Heather was able to go with me and that made it even more fun. We left there with so much knowledge. I'm ready to cook in a cardboard box, create delicious desserts in a dutch oven and maybe even sleep in a tent.. maybe.
K stayed the night with her friend last night and had a wonderful time. Sometime during the night/day Santa came through on his promise to send a pink i-dog soft speaker.
B went to a swim meet - he made the finals in ALL of his strokes. That was great!
Z&A kept Jason hopping all day.
So much fun, now we anxiously await the family camping trip. I will be taking B,K & Z - I'm sure there will be lots of stories to tell.

FYI friends - if you haven't checked out facebook, you should. Look me up when you get going!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Z is so funny

The other day we headed to Houston to pick up our dog - Dad & Judy-Mom graciously watched Max over the holidays for us.
While we were driving this is what transpired:
Z: B is that you?
Z: B is that you?
Z: B is that you?
(there was probably about a minute of this before B responded)
B: Is what me?
Z: B is that you that put the stink in my nose?

He cracks me up!! We had just passed some smelly place near Luling - not sure what the stink was - but it was in my nose too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What I've been doing...

I have been so busy! Thanks to our generous family we were able to purchase the dresser for our bedroom. In my spare time (hee hee) I've been working like crazy to organize, clean, purge and fit everything into the space we have available. While doing that I found this picture and I wanted to share.

This is a picture of me with my dad, Al. He was making fun of my favorite outfit (long johns, shorts and a t-shirt) - I only wore it around the house... really!

P.S. - I love you Dad! You crack me up!

Ho, Ho, Ho - Santa's here to stay

I updated my blog look and now I don't have time to sit down and do anything about it - so Santa is here to stay for the time being. Sorry folks!

So many pictures = so little time. Here's just a few of my favorites to tide you over until I can do a real post!

Happy B - got a pocket knife (and instructions on proper use) from his Grandpa John.

K making cookies.

Cool Cat A!

Z (Texas Boy!) being dragged around on the ice by Daddy & Uncle Andy.
"Can I have my feet back NOW?"

Jason's Clan