Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stay in bed!

Today is one of those days that you should stay in bed, you should make your entire family stay in bed - yea right good luck with that!
It started as just about any day with Jason's Clan, the morning went something like this,
K put your shoes on, K brush your hair, yes B I know you want to get to school early, K put your shoes on - no more watching TV (yea I know the TV should be off!). Z & A stay here with Daddy so I can just go drop the big kids off - WAAA!!! Ugh!

The day proceeded like most days with Jason's Clan:
the babies and I went to work at childcare, we had lunch we put A down for a nap, we had a meeting for The Journey, the big kids came home, I got dinner ready and I began to go to another meeting for church.

WHAM! That's when it happened - those of you with weak stomachs turn back NOW!

K, Z, A and I were heading to the car to take them to my friend Heather's house so that I could go to my staff meeting with Pastor Kyle. We got out to the car and I watched (in slow motion) my 18 month old take a header into the van door! As most Mom's out there know, my reaction to these "minor" bumps and bruises will play a major role in A's response so I grabbed her up real quick to hug her and say, "boom - shake it off, all better!" I think I may have gotten the boom out when I saw the gash on her forehead and I cupped my hands on her forehead and ran back to the house! Apply pressure, stop the bleeding, check the size of the wound, oh heavens how do I know what size goes to the hospital and what size is just a boo boo?! B tried to help, asking what he could do, how he could help - K stayed out of the way and watched Z! Thank God for those wonderful big kids - B even washed the blood off the back porch window! A - not so cooperative! She ripped three bandages off her head, we dumped an entire box of band aids on the bathroom floor and generally disagreed with each other as to how to proceed. I finally gave in to her argument - ran back to the van where I drove speedy-quick to Heather's to get her opinion (I had decided that my brain was no longer functioning up to capacity!). She took one look at A and said - yes ER! She took Z&K, my friend Belle came and got B and off A and I went (I actually had to put the car in reverse and ask where to go - hospital - huh - where?!).
A looked tired on the way there - it was just a long drive, no concussion!
We got to the ER and she was happy, messy but happy. They took vitals - she didn't like that, they put some numbing agent on her wound - she really didn't like that. They told me to keep that bandage on for 20-25 minutes so I asked if I could get her a snack - no problem. We got some little vanilla sandwich cookies - ate and played - she's such a sweet, happy girl even with a big gash in her forehead! They came in to explain that they would be putting her in a papoose to do the stitches - basically restraining her. I understood but warned them that when she gets really upset her gag reflex kicks in and she could/would throw up (duh - cookies!). Sure enough they got her bundled up I tried to calm her but to no avail. I decided she's like a skunk - tick her off and she's going to do something nasty! They ended up having to put her on her side so that if she threw up she wouldn't aspirate and the doctor was able to put three stitches in her forehead. Poor Baby A! It was horrible - I have been a mother for over 10 years and this was a first - hopefully a last too! When they were all done she didn't want anything to do with them, I had to sign the discharge papers with an outstretched arm because if they got to close she'd pucker that bottom lip and start to wail again - VERY sad.

Time for bed - where I should have stayed!


Sherry said...

24 hours later - perspective has set in! I am so blessed that our accident was so minor and so blessed that I have been a mother for 10+ years and never experienced any kind of major illness or injury. Thank God for the blessings my children are and for watching over them so diligently!

Christi said...

Oh Sherry, I'm so sorry! I can imagine that initial panic feeling of "what do I do?!" But I'm glad it all ended up ok. I'll be praying for you and for your little skunk. :-)

Vicki said...

Wow! That is a stay in bed day! Hope you get to rest up from that trauma, and give poor A an extra hug for us- poor little thing!!! Hope she heals quickly, and you all have a safe trip up...we'd love to see you (hint, hint!)

Anonymous said...

I hope today was better for you! I lost your address to send you a Christmas card- but I think of you often! Enjoy the holidays and relax!!! Merry Christmas! Michelle

Anonymous said...

Oh my, my adorable little granddaughter, and my wonderful daughter....what an ordeal you both had to get through. I'm so thankful A didn't do more to herself, that was bad enough. You are such a great mother....and don't forget it.Give A a kiss for me, and tell B he is such a good helper, K too!
I love you, Mom