Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Writing a book

That is what I want to do! If I could write like this incredible woman then I would be all over writing a book!! I've thought for a long time that people should know there are words in the English language that you never thought would go together until you have children!
Tonight I heard my husband's gentle voice say, "A. don't sit on Z.'s head." Huh? Double take.... no not anymore - I'm used to this type of crazy conversation.

Here's some other examples that I've had in my 10 years of motherhood:

Don't put your toe up your sister's nose.
It just kept coming (pointing at the toilet paper all over the floor).
Do not toot at your sister.
No growling at the baby.

Mom's out there - I know you know what I'm talking about. What are some of your favorites? I promise I won't steal them - I won't be writing that book. I think it's God's plan that we should learn these things on the job - no one would ever believe us anyway until they live it!

1 comment:

Christi said...

"Anthony, we do not throw baby Jesus!"

(He's in our Little People nativity I let the kids play with and I teach with, otherwise we wouldn't have a baby Jesus out)