Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween - finally the pictures & story

Friday was an insane day around Jason's Clan. I finished the last of the costumes (mine) at 2:15pm - right before getting the big kids from school.
It was a relatively uneventful Halloween except that A was in it this year (last year we represented Jason's Clan in MA and officially welcomed little J) - she was really getting the hang of "thank you" by about the midway point of our trick-or-treating, of course she was halfway down the sidewalk with her back to the people when she'd say it. But I heard it and it was cute!
B was Harry Potter, K was Alexa from Barbie & The Diamond Castle, Z was baby bear, A was supposed to be a lady bug but we went with easy and did the jack-o-lantern since she wasn't fond of the antenna's on the lady bug costume - when she wore it to a Halloween party last weekend she ended up wearing a pair of shorts around most of the time, I guess the costume wasn't very comfortable either.
In addition we had some friends join us for trick-or-treating - B's friend Hank was some type of scary faceless monster and McKaen was a deatheater from the Harry Potter series. Me?! I was Supermom - two people (I suspect Supermom's themselves in disguise) recognized my costume and thought it was very cute. I made the emblem out of pieces from the kids costumes - it was fun!

K had a pumpkin decorating contest at school -
I can't believe ours didn't win! Disco pumpkin!!
Disco is ALIVE!

Finally on an incredibly disgusting (but funny nonetheless) side note: Apparently Hobbes decided that he didn't get enough treats so he played a trick on us - he pooped on the bed, this was Jason's reaction which was the funny part.

Perhaps he's on his last leg.... (the cat, not Jason)


Anonymous said...

Great costumes that you made !!! You really out did yourself. Of course, I love the pics.....You & J look great. The look on J's face tells the way he feels about the find on the bed....yuck !!!!
Love ya all, tmn

Kierstyn said...

Nice costume!!! I've been calling you super mom for about four years now, glad you decided to come out of hidding!!

Sherry said...

Thanks Kiestyn - you were my inspiration for that costume, thanks for the compliment. :)

Christi said...

The kids' costumes all look great, but your's is by far the best and most appropriate. :-) Thanks for sharing the pictures!