Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh no!

I haven't blogged in 10+ days! (Sorry Mom & Bon-Mom)

Honestly the reason I haven't blogged is because we've been kind of quiet. We got home from MO and began to chill. K has been to Six Flags, B went to College Station for a week to spend time with a friend, Z&A have been to the dentist, swimming and making up for all of our missing TV time.

This week K will go to Six Flags (again!) and then on Thursday K and I will be taking a mini vacation to San Diego with my friend, Joy. We've been looking forward to this for months and when asked what we are going to do we all giggle and say NOTHING! I can't wait to lay by a pool or at the beach and read a book (not worrying about the little people near by). Our plans are very simple - the zoo, the beach, the pool and a Padre's baseball game. Fun weekend!

Then... Uncle Scotty Watty is coming to town! Woo hoo! We can't wait to see him (and his lovely girlfriend) ... he's told us that he wants to come to town to take us for some summer fun in the sun at Schlitterbahn (yes that is right another trip to our FAV). I took that as he was wanting some exercise - carrying three tubes around (his, Z&A's) will give him all the exercise he needs. ba ha ha!

School starts soon and I am looking forward to all the new kids that we will meet and learn with, but let me say it now so you all can remind me later in the year, teaching is the best job - I love my summers off with BKZA!

Here's a couple of pictures of Z&A at the dentist - A's first time with the "blue" smile. Looks like Z should lose some teeth soon and from what I could see on his x-rays his smile is going to change a lot in the near future. It also looks like we will not escape braces with these two - those little mouths are little and the baby teeth are crowded, imagine when those BIG teeth try to move in - woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is my post for Schliterbahn? I come and take you and your kids to Schliterbahn and it is never memorialized in your blog? How will I be remembered if my great deeds are not captured and shared with the world? Seriously...

Scotty Watty Superwoman