Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Scotty Watty Poopy Potty and His Lovely Bride Jen

It has been brought to may attention via several harassing emails (not from Bon-Mom or Mom) but from a rotten younger sibling that I have woefully neglected my blogging community. To all who have been effected (except Scoot) I am deeply apologetic!
Let's get the scoop - shall we?
San Diego - phone cord went whack so I was unable to upload ALL of my SD photos. Returned via VERY late flights on Wednesday very EARLY. My sweet soon to be sister-in-law, Jen and her obnoxious groom came for a visit and graciously took my children and I to Schlitterbahn. While there I had the pants scared off of me - actually just some some skin scrapped off of my butt however you can see how I might have those two things confused! HA! The following week was catch up before.... you guessed it I returned to the grind! Work, hectic schedule, call it what you will but my time is limited and it just hurts my heart deeply that Scoot can't appreciate how much time, energy and commitment I put into doing simple things like getting up at 4:30am to exercise, eating, breathing, eating, sleeping, hugging (in a vain attempt to nap on someones shoulder), eating and then doing it all over again. Um.. wait.. teaching fits in there somewhere too, along with taxi driving 4 or 14 kids around (I have begun to have a difficult time counting).
SO... here is the infamous picture! Thank you Jen for coming to play with us and I look forward to many more experiences with you (and Scoot) - I'll even try to be on top of my blogging then too.


Anonymous said...

That has to be one of my favorite pictures of all times!

Scott said...

I saw the email with the blog but finally had time to look at the real deal. Sherry even though I might be snot nosed I am honored yet again to be immortalized in your blog. :-) Next time I will request the hand hewn stone statue of me in conjunction with the blog post. haha See you guys this weekend. Love, Scott

Scott said...

Even though I might be completely snot nosed I feel honored that you (finally) electronically immortalized me in your blog. :-) Love you Sneery. Catch you and your kids this weekend!