Thursday, June 23, 2011


We've spent so much time at the pool this year that I wanted to share some of our fun with you. I don't usually have my phone/camera close by because I am always on guard with Z&A learning to swim and both having very little fear at this time. However today I had a friend with me and B&K were on guard like miniature St. Bernard's, ready to lend a hand to a sibling in need. It was wonderful to watch and I'm so proud of all of my kids, those learning to swim and those being vigilant in safeguarding!
For our fans - pictures:

Shockingly his head is out of the water! B the Fish!
Just barely caught sweet K out of the water.

My Z with our new kick-board - he's doing so great!

Sporting her new found freedom in the water - the faithful 'seal'

Jason's Clan going to JUMP in together!

Hmm.. look who is taking her time! She'll let YOU know when she's ready!

All together now!

Cotton-pickin' cute kids! We LOVE the pool!

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