Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Peek, grin, giggle

A is struggling with her naps. She is still in her playpen so nothing has changed (except her wonderful little body that is growing and changing every day!). Our new routine looks something like this:
Me: Okay time for quiet time.
Mo: MO!
Me: Yes - get your baby
At this she usually complies and then comes to me - putting her head on my shoulder.
Me: Turn off your lights and say night-night to your planets.
Mo: Unh!!
Me: I love you, I'll see you after quiet time and we'll get our big kids. Wave to your green light (the light above her bed on the smoke detector).
Mo waves and lays down. I tiptoe out of the room while she's distracted by the wonderful green light.
Mo: Momma, Momma, MOOOMMMMAAA!!
I let her fuss for a little while but worry about her and that horrible GAG reflex so I will go in if it continues but I will NOT pick her up.
Me: Lay down.
She complies but continues to moan, Momma!
I stand in the door and sing to her, just barely out of sight. For some reason if I leave the door open, even partially she's happy and will settle down.
Today it went just like that except that when I went to peek to make sure she was almost asleep she was staring right at me - grinning! I leaned back and giggled into my hand. Stood there a little longer, leaned in again and this time she giggled. Again I quickly leaned back and giggled (to myself) I don't want this to be a game! I went back to check on her a few minutes ago and she's out. Thank heavens! Now back to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A is playing games..huh???? How funny she is, not to you when you want her to nap, I'm sure. I can just see her grinning at you..funny, but finally sleep took over. Love, Nana