Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We are home safe and sound. With that out of the way I'm going to start this blog with a story.

Tuesday afternoon I talked to my Mom and she told me about this little 5K that was going to take place on Thursday morning, the 14th Annual Turkey Trot. I looked it up asked Jason if he was interested and he said, "sure, why not!" I jumped on that asked B&K if they wanted to participate too (B said yes, K said something about sleeping in to save up strength for pumpkin pie), I was able to sign the three of us up about 15 minutes before the deadline. I called my brother, Mark & his family and asked them if they were interested - they seemed hesitant but said they'd decide Wednesday. We left early Wednesday morning, met up with Mark and his family in Sherman at Chic-fil-a had lunch and proceeded on our journey to Ozark MO. After several near miss Z potty breaks we made it to MO in just over 12 hours (today we made it home in just over 10 - potty breaks really eat your time!). While we were traveling I found out that my nephew Shawn was planning on running with us and then after just a little bit of persuading Justin joined the ranks too. We got up EARLY Thursday and made our way to downtown Springfield in 28 degree weather - brrr. Turns out that this LITTLE 5K is actually the biggest in the state (according to the race officials) and this year they had over 5000 participants! Wow - this was the biggest 5K I've ever done. It didn't really occur to me until we started lining up that I hadn't thought out how we would meet up with all the boys at the end - thankfully Mark showed up to take some pictures and he decided to stay. Phew - he kept an eye out for everyone and collected B when he was done. Jason & I started the race together. We were cruising along smiling and waving at any cameras that we saw (hoping to get our moment of fame on TV) and checking out the fun costumes. Before I knew it I had gone over a mile (without walking!). At that point I decided that I had to try for 2 miles without walking. Somewhere in the midst of that I lost Jason but kept on running. Something I learned from my friend (and coach) Adrien was positive self talk - instead of saying okay when I get to that stop sign I'm going to walk I said to myself, "when you get there you can evaluate why you want to walk." By the time I finished mile 2 I knew that I had to run the whole thing - funny thing is that I never dreamed that this would be the race that I would run the whole thing - I honestly intended to walk quite a bit of it (not sure why). As I ran up the slight incline by the church where I married the greatest guy in the world almost 15 years ago I continued my PMA (positive mental attitude) and said, "look how much you've done you can't stop now, you can do this!" I ran through the square and down a hill. At the top of the hill I had a very brief moment of dread thinking that when you go down you have to eventually go up again but I couldn't waste time thinking about that. I continued on like the little engine that could until I came around the corner and my moment of dread was realized - a short but STEEP hill was right in front of me and at the end of it was.... you guessed it the finish line! I put my head down and said there was NO WAY I was walking up that hill, I refused to look at the top of the hill and just kept chugging. I did it!! I ran a 5K without walking, I felt like I won that race - who cares that I came in 2574th (do they do medals for that?). It didn't matter, I ran farther this Thanksgiving than I ever have in my life and I am so proud! The best part? My nephews, husband and son did this with me AND the boys were all on TV and on the front page of the newspaper (okay so you need a magnifying glass to see them but I can see them!).
Pictures of the race to follow - waiting on my big brother to send them to me. Until then I have some that will make you happy.

The "Cousin It" look

Now isn't that better?

Presents from Our Debbie & Our Michael

B with his flock of geese (at the park)

My sweet girls making the ride go faster this afternoon

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho

It's off to MO we go!
We will be leaving tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my family in southwest Missouri. I'm anxious to see them all. Pictures when we get home - Jason has had the last two days off (in other words - time to take apart my/the kids computer). Otherwise I would have pictures of A's new haircut...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just one camping picture

I'm posting one picture - so you will know we are home safe and sound. Montage to follow soon - hopefully tomorrow but don't hold your breath.

Only 6 of our Girl Scouts were able to go but it was SO much fun!
We earned our Polar Bear patch - it got down to freezing and for those of you that will fuss about us being in cabins wait until you see the picture of our holey cabin!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Debbie

Today is my Debbie's birthday. Legally she is my aunt but she is far to young to be my aunt so she has been dubbed "My Debbie" by my children and I.... because if she can't be my aunt then she can't be their gr**t aunt!

Happy Birthday My Debbie - hope you have a wonderful day!

My all time favorite picture of Debbie (helping K play the piano).

Happy Birthday Alex

Today is my brother-in-law's birthday - he made the very wise decision to marry Erin! He has been under the weather and so we hope he is feeling better & that he has a great birthday!

Happy Birthday Alex - we hope that your sushi is extra yummy tonight!

These are some pictures to take us down memory lane - I have more recent pictures but I love these of our first trip to Massachusetts (summer 2004). Alex with, B, K & Erin.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've noticed changes in my blogging since the beginning of this school year. I used to write about specific events... now it's a hodge podge more than anything else. Guess what - so is this one!

Some fun/funny stories to share - then pictures.

I have started running and swimming again - since last week. I never thought I would say it, I LOVE to swim. I don't think I could give myself a decent workout without someone egging me on but I'm learning to love the whole thing... except actually getting into my car and driving. I dread leaving in the evening after Jason gets home but I have felt great there and feel even better afterwards. This Tuesday was no exception - as a matter of fact I felt even better this week than last because I raced John (friend who I've trained with, he's an amazing tri-athlete) and beat him (he didn't know we were racing but I did - hee hee). We were doing kick board drills and I apparently have a strong set of legs - it helps that I can keep my head out of the water and breath.

Last night I went to run and we did bleachers (yep ran up and down them - yucko!) - but here's the great thing. I did the intermediate workout. I was so proud of myself after it was all done. There were a few times I thought I was going to fall off the bleachers and I'm sure I looked like I was downing a margarita at the top each time with my legs wobbling and twitching like they were but I did it! Here's what got me through that last set (4 total) - "Thank God for a body that will allow me to do this!"

Z and I went to the dentist today - he did fabulous! I took him out for Chick-fil-a afterwards and we "partied"! In other words there was an indoor playground so we could play and eat. We drove past an outdoor McD's (I didn't want to go there!) and he was a little disappointed when I "called" and they said that the play yard was closed because it was so cold (upper 60's)... was that wrong?

Brotherly Love
I walked in on this scene and couldn't resist a picture, they immediately began hamming it up as soon as I took this picture.

Sweet Big Brother
Another one that I walked into. Z giving his little sister a ride. Sweet!
I love bossy (aka A) pointing out the way she WANTS to go.

One Shot
That is all it took to get these goofy grins! I love that B&A are so in love with each other!

Straight up silly
Daddy snapped this shot - I guess the big kids are showing the little ones how you dress up for cool northern weather.

Getting ready to camp
K and I are going to Girl Scout camp this weekend. With a projected temperature of 37 on Saturday night I felt that K needed some long underwear and long socks... it will get cold in our cabins!

Last but NOT least
Tuesday night I came home to this staring at me as I walked in the door, wet and cold from my swim. Let me say that often I feel guilty about leaving to go exercise at night, but this made me so proud and happy. I don't know why she wrote it but it keeps me motivated to keep trying to work hard and show my kids that you can do anything if you set your mind to it! K - I love you and you honor me greatly!

Monday, November 10, 2008

This weekend

We were so busy last week! Saturday morning we got up early to make the trek to Houston to see Dad, Judy-Mom, Mark, Cheryl, Shawn & Justin. Justin was in a band competition and Shawn had his last regular season football game. Sadly we didn't get any pictures while we were there - Cheryl took the one picture below but that is all I have to show for our time in Houston. We left here Saturday morning got to Houston just in time to stand behind a chain link fence and watch Justin play his tuba in the military marching band - I saw one mistake but I was still impressed, sorry Justin you did great! Then we went out for lunch, played at the park and headed out to watch Shawn play football. The Mustangs scored the first touchdown and that was certainly the highlight of the game! After that it wasn't so great but we were thrilled to see Shawn play! Finally we went out for a bite after the game and then headed back home for some sleep before we got up and headed home Sunday morning. It was a whirlwind trip but left me looking forward to Thanksgiving! Thank you all for allowing us to come and invade this weekend!

K went with Mark, Justin & Cheryl to cheer Shawn on as they headed out to the game!
K's ready to sign up to be a cheerleader ~ today!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Michael

Yesterday was my Uncle Michael's birthday but I was out of town so I couldn't post this blog.

So without further ado - Happy Birthday my Michael, we can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving! Better late than never! Love, Jason's Clan

Sadly we don't get many pictures of Michael - I guess he's a little camera shy, but here's a couple from Thanksgiving 2005.

Michael with his buddy, Winston

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Rae Ann

Today (if I'm not mistaken, **inside joke** :) is the birthday of one of the most fantastic, amazing women that I know! Rae Ann and I met the first day of our freshman year in high school and we have been friends ever since. How she's put up with that long is a miracle in itself.

Rae Ann I hope you have a marvelous birthday!

The dorky one on the left is Rae Ann... yea the other dork is me.

hee hee, this picture cracks me up!

Seriously - Texas sun is BAD! Rae Ann looks marvelous!

Rae Ann with her sweet husband, Dan.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween - finally the pictures & story

Friday was an insane day around Jason's Clan. I finished the last of the costumes (mine) at 2:15pm - right before getting the big kids from school.
It was a relatively uneventful Halloween except that A was in it this year (last year we represented Jason's Clan in MA and officially welcomed little J) - she was really getting the hang of "thank you" by about the midway point of our trick-or-treating, of course she was halfway down the sidewalk with her back to the people when she'd say it. But I heard it and it was cute!
B was Harry Potter, K was Alexa from Barbie & The Diamond Castle, Z was baby bear, A was supposed to be a lady bug but we went with easy and did the jack-o-lantern since she wasn't fond of the antenna's on the lady bug costume - when she wore it to a Halloween party last weekend she ended up wearing a pair of shorts around most of the time, I guess the costume wasn't very comfortable either.
In addition we had some friends join us for trick-or-treating - B's friend Hank was some type of scary faceless monster and McKaen was a deatheater from the Harry Potter series. Me?! I was Supermom - two people (I suspect Supermom's themselves in disguise) recognized my costume and thought it was very cute. I made the emblem out of pieces from the kids costumes - it was fun!

K had a pumpkin decorating contest at school -
I can't believe ours didn't win! Disco pumpkin!!
Disco is ALIVE!

Finally on an incredibly disgusting (but funny nonetheless) side note: Apparently Hobbes decided that he didn't get enough treats so he played a trick on us - he pooped on the bed, this was Jason's reaction which was the funny part.

Perhaps he's on his last leg.... (the cat, not Jason)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Scott

Today is my brother, Scott's birthday - he's 9 or 10 years old - or at least he acts like that. hee hee! In honor of his birthday I have decided to post some pictures specifically for him, these pictures were taken right after I said, "Smile for Uncle Scott!" Here's what I got:

Just kidding! These were just some funny faces and I knew that Scott would appreciate them! Happy Birthday Scoot we love you!

Note to friends & family of Jason's Clan - if you take a self-portrait you should expect it to show up on your birthday blog.