Sunday, May 22, 2011

5 days and counting

... until I get to do the "job" that I love most in the world. I'm often asked if I teach summer school, this usually makes me giggle and say, "I have 4 kids!" So yes I teach summer school - swimming, exploring, exercising, reading, and we even do math (lots of elapsed time!). I teach and I love what I do - but this last week of school is painful. It is painful to watch my students who I have grown to care about leave (saying goodbye is never easy) and it is painful to watch them so anxiously waiting to be DONE! But all of this leads to two things that enjoy - playing with my kids all summer AND a new group of kids next year to learn from and share with.

Last weekend my brother came to town to take B scuba diving AND to share a special moment with Z&A - he camped out with them in the backyard! I've said it before and I guess it will come around again but I've become a fan of this guy, Mark. He's not nearly as irritating and horrible as he was when I was 10!

This weekend we celebrated Family Sabbath at our church - Pastor Kyle has spoken often about the importance of the sabbath and I'm thankful to be a part of a church that believes practicing what they preach. I am especially thankful for my church family that helps me and loves me so much.
Yesterday Z decided that he wanted to jump off the diving board and into 9 feet of water (be reminded that he no longer wears a SEAL - life vest - and he is generally not fond of getting his face in the water). Thankfully we had friends that could support me as I went to wait and watch and encourage him to swim from the middle of 9 feet of water to the edge of the pool. Thank you Mr. Curtis!
A is learning to use her SEAL and had lots of encouragement from our church family too.
Finally - B&K were surrounded by their friends as they wandered from the pool, the lake, swimming, jumping off a rope swing and canoeing.
KZA and I also went canoeing yesterday - my little sailors did a great job.
We stayed the night in a cabin and it was quite an adventure. I am greatly and truly blessed with my wonderful family & church family.
Thank you all!
I don't have many pictures but here are a couple.

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