Today I participated in the Tough Cookie Duathlon! It was tremendous fun and I am excited to share the story with you all. Here it is:
First of all, one of my Tri-club friends mentioned this duathlon and I looked it up then convinced my friends Eileen & Joy (from work) to do it with me. Eileen talked her daughter and daughter-in-law into doing it too. Since the venue was 1 1/2 away we decided to get a hotel Saturday night.
We all loaded up our bikes and headed out late Saturday afternoon. I was excited but nervous, as expected. This was Eileen and Joy's first multi-sport event so I was concerned as well about their experience. FYI they had a good time and are glad they went, although Joy told me that mid way through she was thinking of ways to "get me back."
We started the race and I was not warmed up so it was a little hard to get a good run (or for me jog) going. I went as fast as I could and tried to get warmed up. I was feeling pretty low as lots of people passed me but pressed on! When we got to our bike Eileen scooted ahead of me at transition but once the cycling started all I can say is - Wwwweeee!!! I found out today that the words, "passing on your left" are some of the sweetest words! Since when I rode my mountain bike I NEVER got to say those words. Today I got to say them... a lot (not bragging, the bike is awesome!!). I got ahead of Joy and Eileen and rode hard the whole 10 miles - felt great!! Several times thought to myself, "man if I wipe out it is going to hurt, cuz you are going fast!"
As I got off my bike and began the second run I could not get a good run (jog) going again. My legs felt like they had been replaced with jell-o (watch it wiggle, watch it jiggle...). I ran/walked the first 1/4 to 1/2 of the second run (Shelly - Eileen's daughter cheered me on at one point, she finished 4th overall) and then I said to myself, "You have to RUN! You have a head start on several women and they will get pass you if you don't get moving." So I looked at my watch, made a personal goal of finishing in 1 hour, 30 minutes and took off at a nice jog. I jogged the rest of the way and as I got close to the finish line I looked up and saw the timer, 1:30:30... awww!!! I visualized BKZA running next to me and took off at my fastest run. I made it over the marker at 1:30:55 -
BUT it didn't register!! Needless to say I'm very disappointed about that. I know I did it, my friends know I did it and I'll have to live with that until (if) they can fix it.
Now I know that I am one Tough Cookie! Yea for me! I'll post pictures as soon as I can.
Crazy side note:
Tonight as I was talking to my favorite in-laws, just after sharing this story I heard a weird puff noise... my back tire just went flat! I heard B say, "good thing that didn't happen earlier." Uh - yea that is right!!! Guess I will get to learn to fix a flat now.