Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You're Not the Boss of Me

That is what I'm going to teach A to say! Yesterday I had to pull the car over because Z was messing with A and she was screaming her fool head off! When I finally figured out what was going on it went something like this:
Me: What are you two doing?
Z: A is hitting me.
A: Awww, uhhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Me: What are you doing to her?

This is when I pulled over and turned around only to see A whacking Z and Z holding on to the armrest of her carseat.

Z: She won't say please!


1 comment:

Christi said...

Lovely! I've had many talks with Alexis where I've said "I am Anthony's mommy and I will be the one to tell him how to act or what to do!" Praying it sinks in for A who the boss is. :-)