Friday, November 19, 2010

Sneak Peek

My very talented friend, Rachael, took some awesome pictures of my family again this year. I am so blessed to have her in my life for many reasons but her talent is truly unmatched and I'm so appreciative! Thank you Rachael - these are awesome!

Okay folks - that is all you get until you are either blessed with a Christmas card or a family calendar. Hope you enjoy!


Scott said...

Sherry your kids grow up too fast. I can tell K is older than when I last saw her by just the picture! Can you please put bricks on their heads to keep them from growing up too fast? How did you get Z to sit still for that last picture. Maniac man has too much energy to sit still for that long. :-)

Much love

Anonymous said...

Wow! They're gorgeous. Love the red and pink.