Sunday, November 22, 2009

I have a really talented friend!

I can't even imagine how hard it is to get a good picture of all 6 of us smiling and looking in the right direction, but my brilliant friend did it a few times. Of course you will see the best one on your Christmas cards but here's some good ones and some fun ones to hold you over.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not the usual

So for days I've been wanting to vent and tell the world that I'm going into hibernation for an extended period of time. Although I realize that this is completely different than most of my blog entries I've decided to post my ranting here.
I'm tired! I'm cranky and I feel completely lost most days. I have recently been praying a prayer that goes something like this - Dear Lord I know you have me in this place for a reason and your timing is perfect and unquestionable. Please help me to see why and how to get out of this "rut" that I feel like I'm being swallowed by.
Here's where I am: I don't have time to make dinner, much less clean up the dishes, my job although it is a good one is consuming and at times overwhelming in the sheer speed of the day (if I haven't shared with you here it is 8:40-12:45 teach, teach, teach, teach, 20 minutes lunch, teach!) yes it goes quickly but I can't find the time to grade, enter grades, create lessons, etc - except before or after school hours. Overwhelming - especially when you consider all the little blessings I have at home wanting my time and attention.
Okay now let me say that I love my kids, I love my husband, I'm happy with the job I have and I have a wonderful extended family and church family. Please join me in prayers of thanksgiving for these many blessings. If after that you have time to pray for some relief then that is greatly appreciated too!
Thank you & my loyal blog readers... love you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The scoop

This weekend was Halloween. Not my favorite time of the year but I enjoy it for the kids. This year has been completely different than in years past though - here's the scoop. A has been going through some serious fear issues - she has been waking up between 1am and 3am nightly and cannot go back to sleep without horrible crying jags. I began to suspect night terrors but then after reading about them on the internet (the source for all things true and believable) I found out that they were more like "walking in your sleep" - not being cognizant of time, place, etc. Then I began to suspect a growth spurt but now with some counseling from a good friend, a nice reality check and some deep soul searching I have realized that A is manipulating me - YET again!! Therefore this weekend we instituted Tough Love 201 (remember 101 occurred when the little sea cucumber wouldn't go to sleep at night). So last night (yep Halloween night) we did not take her out - to prevent the fear factor - and I started the new night time ritual. It goes something like this:
Mommy (M) - I love you A - you will sleep in your own room tonight - all night.
A - otay Mommy
M - if you wake up I want you to think of something happy and then roll over and go back to sleep.
A - otay Mommy
M - what makes you happy?
A - bouncing
M - okay then you think about bouncing and go back to sleep. I love you, good night.
Then I proceed to leave the room singing, which makes her laugh (what's up with that?! I have a beautiful voice)! Last night I had to go in 3 times to remind her that, "I love you, you will sleep in your own bed, good night." Tonight Jason gave her a couple of those little speeches and she finally fell off into slumber at about 8:30pm (an hour after being put to bed - she was just talking). Oh yea and Z is now sleeping in K's room - for "two weeks" until we get A over this hump. I have not been forced to get up in the middle of the night yet - but when it happens (if it happens) my goal is to be calm, confident and allow her to get herself back to sleep. This will be an obvious change from my normal clumsy, whiny response to her crying out in the night. That goes something like this:
M - A please go to sleep, Mommy is tired. Daddy is tired. We can't sleep with you yelling. You are going to wake Z up. (waaa - yea still me)
A - Mommy, momma, momma, MOMMA!! Sleep in floor!
M - fine but no more yelling
A - otay Mommy
then repeat about 5 times (after she's been moved, the only difference is that she doesn't mention the floor in those she just screams my name repeatedly).

So that is the scoop and here is the rest of the story!

B has taken a break from swimming. His current plan is to return in December - I hope so but don't want him to feel pressured, it must be his choice.
K is doing a cheerleading class, playing the piano (can't wait to play Debbie's at Thanksgiving) and Girl Scouts (of course).
Z is growing and becoming such a little gentleman. I'm so proud of how much calmer and more mature he seems daily.
A loves school but (as mentioned above) I suspect that she's missing some Mommy & Me time and is trying to take that time in the middle of the night. I guess a whiny mom is still mommy time.

Jason is working lots and this weekend worked until 4am Saturday morning on a huge project at work and then was back up there at 9am. He was very tired this weekend! But still managed to take K&Z trick-or-treating (B went with some friends for a birthday party).

This weekend was crazy for me because I had to work at the fall festival for school - but obviously couldn't take A (remember we talked about this new fear thing) and of course Jason was gone or very tired so we had to do some very creative juggling and I was so thankful for my friends Terry & Belle for their help! I'm still trying to get a good hold of teaching and juggling family - it is work but I wouldn't trade my family and if I have to work then this is a great job.

Side note - one of A's new fears is some chicken (aka dhicken - her words) that she saw at a costume shop. It was one of those plastic ones! Anyway now we have daily conversations about how the dhicken won't hurt her - we eat dhickens! Tonight as I put her to bed she said, "Mommy there is no dhicken?!" I said, "you are right there is NO chicken!" Poor child.

Lastly - as I mentioned my friend Terry helped me out when I had to work this weekend. She stayed here when A was napping. When A woke up she came out, looked around and started calling for B! When Terry told her B wasn't there she put her hand on her hip, threw that bottom lip out and yelled, "B!" I can just picture it! So cute and funny.

Pictures? Jason refused to carry the camera (Bonnie - what are we going to do with that boy?!) so my friend Belle took some, but she hasn't sent them yet. Will post when I get them.